Tell Announcements 4-30-24

  1. Dorothy Redden was placed on Hospice Care.
  2. We rejoice with Avery Wyant, FHU student, since her baptism!
  3. Ruby Morgan, Ron Butterfield’s sister, has three young great grandkids with the flu. One is in the hospital. She requests prayers for them.
  4. Darrell Willis, David Willis’s brother, had pancreatic surgery yesterday with good results! David and Dwina traveled to Albuquerque, NM to be with the family; Katelyn Phillips, Amanda Koronka’s daughter, has a HIDA scan on her gallbladder today; Jennifer Fetters, Bobby and Betty Bush’s daughter, is at UAB in Birmingham; Jerome Trice (Joe’s brother and Jewell’s son) is in Intensive Care at Centennial Hospital in Nashville. He experienced a setback over the weekend; and Maurene McKnight is at West TN Transitional Care, room B209.
  5. Please remember to bring snacks this week (through Sunday) for the FHU students as they get ready to take their final exams. You can drop them off at the office or put in the bin at the Welcome Center.
  6. Remember Bible classes for men and women will meet tomorrow at 10:00 AM. We will have a Theme Recap Singing tomorrow at the 5:45 service. The girls’ university class will meet at the same time. The boys’ class will not meet. There will be one more 5:45 singing service after this one. During the summer, we will have only the 6:30 PM service on Wednesdays. There will not be a Family Meal this Wednesday. The next one is next Wednesday at 5:00 PM and we will serve pizza.
  7. Everyone is invited to a Lights-Out Singing this Saturday evening, May 4, from 6-7 PM in the Activity Center.
  8. The new summer teaching quarter will begin on May 5.
  9. We will honor our high school graduates on Sunday, May 5, with a lunch after AM worship. Our graduates this year are Valerie Butterfield, Charlotte Canaday, Cecily Davis, Amos Elliott, Colton Hopper, Lizzie Huffman, Daisy McManus, Hunter Mims, Chance Thompson, & Jagger Young.
  10. Please stay around after PM worship this Sunday to listen to the FHU chorale immediately following worship.
  11. BIRTHDAYS:  Mike Showers