If the word of God lives and abides forever, what good is it to us?
Is there any good reason for believing that the Bible is really God’s word and can be trusted to save our souls?
Some claim because He is the divine Son of God, Jesus could not really be tempted like we are. What does this story teach us, and how do we apply it to our temptations?
As we begin a new year, we will focus on three important days…yesterday, today and tomorrow.
How quickly this past year has gone by. A new year is coming. What makes the end of a thing better than the beginning?
It is the will of God that there be “peace on earth, good will toward men.” While we live in this blessed peace, the world will never know it until they confess Jesus as the Son of God, and become obedient to Him.
We are the most blessed people in the world, yet our level of giving to the Lord does not always show it. We have an upcoming opportunity to glorify God and help the church meet its annual budget. May our focus be on what we can do to help.
Trust (faith) in God is a great beginning point for an amazing chain of events for our lives that helps produce the ability to endure through every circumstance of life.