The Signs Point to Jesus

The first century preaching was accompanied by such amazing signs, wonders and miracles it would have been easy for the preachers to try to lift themselves up.  However, they constantly used their God given power to point to Jesus.

Saved By Grace!

This is one of the great texts of the Bible, Paul’s assurance that we are saved by the grace of God.  He makes clear that salvation from sin is a gift from God, but he also makes clear the necessary role we must play in God’s plan to save.

You Are the Man!

When King David heard these words from the prophet Nathan, he said, “I have sinned against the Lord”(2 Samuel 12:13).  Afterward, he penned the heart wrenching Psalm 51 in which he pleads for God to cleanse him of his sins.  From a tragic series of events comes a timeless example of what we must do…