Why do some who love the Lord, and serve Him faithfully for a time, later choose to leave Him?
Why do some who love the Lord, and serve Him faithfully for a time, later choose to leave Him?
Spiritual maturity or immaturity is seen in our response to God in the way we give, the thought we give to giving, and the way we follow the example of Christ.
As we face the struggles and trials of life, how do we find faithfulness? What is it that we look for along this path that can keep us faithful?
We continue our focus on faithfulness through the month of April. Today, we look at four portraits of this essential Christian quality Paul provides Timothy, and us.
If we are going to be faithful to God, it will be in God’s family, on God’s terms.
Our “focus” for the month of April is Faithfulness. Perhaps there is no more important concept for us to really “get” than that God is so faithful, He will never forsake us or leave us.