Why is blood so important in God’s plan of redemption? Why was the shedding of Jesus’ blood essential for our salvation?
Why is blood so important in God’s plan of redemption? Why was the shedding of Jesus’ blood essential for our salvation?
After lessons of Why Baptism, Confession, Repentance and Faith?, we now close our series with the urgent need to hear, to truly listen to everything the Lord teaches and commands. Until we learn His meaning of “hear,” we cannot understand the elements in becoming and living as a Christian.
We conclude our “Why?” series with a reminder of what faith is and what faith does, and why faith is so crucial in God’s plan of salvation.
Following our study of Why Baptism and Why Repentance, we now affirm the important role confession of faith plays in our salvation. What does it mean for us and for the world? Most importantly, what does it mean to the Lord?
Following last week’s lesson on Why Baptism?, we look today at the Lord’s command to “repent or perish.” What does repentance mean and how does it apply to life now and eternally?
What does God see in baptism that He desires all the world to see and obey? What real difference does baptism make?