Sermons by Billy Smith (Page 13)

How Much Should i give?

We are the most blessed people in the world, yet our level of giving to the Lord does not always show it.  We have an upcoming opportunity to glorify God and help the church meet its annual budget.  May our focus be on what we can do to help.

You Were Running Well!

In writing to the churches of Galatia, Paul addresses the problem of how well they had started the Christian race but they also had fallen behind.  Today, why do so many begin well but do not finish?

Set Your Mind on Heaven

We all have found that life can be consumed with the “things” that dominate the “here and now,” leaving little to no thought of the “there and then.”  Our focus must be on Heaven, even as we discharge the duties of daily life.

Practice These Things

We bring our October focus on Teaching to a close by reviewing the four areas of training that Paul provided the Philippians and how we must apply these areas to saints in every generation in order for the church to survive and thrive.