We have no choice about making choices, every single day! The choices we make and how we make them will set the course for our life here, and for our life to come.
We have no choice about making choices, every single day! The choices we make and how we make them will set the course for our life here, and for our life to come.
This is the theme for the thirty-seventh year of Horizons based on the experience of Paul in Thessalonica, Greece during the second missionary journey. As the apostles “turned the world upside down” with the gospel message, so are we to confront our lost world with the lifesaving news that Jesus is Savior and Lord!
On Father’s Day, we are reminded of the godly qualities our heavenly Father possesses, and the same qualities we are to pursue in every life setting, beginning in our homes.
In giving His disciples the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus provides an example of how to faithfully and effectively speak to our Heavenly Father, with the assurance He knows and hears us.
Before giving His disciples the model prayer, Jesus provided four principles for prayer according to the will of God.
Why do some who have obeyed the gospel eventually leave the church? In most cases, it is not an abrupt giving up on the life of faith, but a gradual drifting away from the Lord and His church.
Some do not appreciate the Old Testament as they should, but think what we would be missing without it: the Creation, the Flood, the Ten Commandments and Psalm 23, to name just a few. Jesus and the New Testament writers relied heavily on the Old Testament, and so must we.
There is a reason the Old Testament book of Psalms has been described as “man’s cry addressed to God.” It speaks to our greatest fears and calls for our even greater faith.
The Lord brought the world’s most famous sermon to a stirring conclusion by extending the invitation for His audience to respond. The right response provides a firm foundation for life and for life to come.
1 Corinthians 15 is “the great resurrection chapter” of the New Testament. The reality of the resurrection is the basis of our faith in Jesus and our hope of heaven. But what if there is no resurrection?