The thee of today’s lessons is “lust,” what Proverbs calls one of the “seven deadly sins.” The only way we can conquer this deadly sin and all its consequences is that we love something or someone more, and that Someone is the Lord Jesus.
There is momentary happiness in life, but only in the Lord Jesus is there lasting joy.
It is crucial in our day that the people of God express in tangible ways our appreciation and love for one another.
Our Brother Paul was passionate about wanting to know Jesus. For Paul, it was not enough to just know Jesus, even more, he wanted to be like Jesus. May God help us to share that same passion.
It is easy to find fault with anyone or any institution, including the Lord’s church (the human element). May we love the church with all our being, remembering what is good, great and right about the church, that Jesus loved so much He gave His life for her.
Our society’s definition of love focuses on tolerance, “open-mindedness,” and permissiveness. You’ve heard the saying, “Love is love,” but what is the biblical definition of love? How does God love us and expect us to love Him back?
Our focus today is on the most common word in the Bible for love, agape. In the Lord’s last week before the cross, He answers a barrage of questions from his critics, including tis one on the first and foremost commandment. His answer is timeless.