Before His crucifixion, Jesus prayed for Himself (but not for what you’d think), His apostles and for US! Are we answering His prayer?
Following Paul’s discussion of the whole armor of God, he concludes with a reminder that we have within our power the strongest weapon God provides in our spiritual battle with the world.
Some of the parables of Jesus are difficult to understand, like this one, the parable of the persistent widow. Through her example, the Lord teaches us not only to pray, but not to give up on prayer.
Watching Jesus pray during the most vulnerable moment of His life teaches us how powerful our prayers can be.
Of all the great work Jesus accomplished while on the earth, He reserved His greatest work for the cross itself, exemplified in His prayer for those nailing the nails. And that includes us.
The power of God in prayer must be accompanied by great faith on our part.
Some prayers can only be fulfilled by God but some can be filled by others.
From the wisdom of Solomon in this great prayer, we learn some Biblical truths about God and how we are to serve Him.