Sermons from 2015 (Page 5)

A Faith that Survives

Often as Christians, we grow comfortable where we are and don’t develop our spiritual potential to the point it needs to be to survive complacency.  A faith that survives in a mature Christian must go beyond the basics of spiritual disciplines to finding our individual unique place and spiritual potential in the church.

A Faith that Dies

Freed-Hardeman can either be one of the greatest things for faith or a dangerous thing for faith, depending on how it is utilized.  It’s tempting to allow simply being at a Christian university and taking Bible classes to constitute the full extent of faith during college years.  All the while, faith will die if we…

Why Hear?

After lessons of Why Baptism, Confession, Repentance and Faith?, we now close our series with the urgent need to hear, to truly listen to everything the Lord teaches and commands.  Until we learn His meaning of “hear,” we cannot understand the elements in becoming and living as a Christian.