The providence of God working in our lives can be easily misunderstood. How can we know about God’s providence?
The providence of God working in our lives can be easily misunderstood. How can we know about God’s providence?
We think of all the lessons we learn from Jesus, but here is a story of faith Jesus learned from an unexpected source.
It is so easy to claim God as your Father but very difficult to act like His son.
We often feel like failures when we teach someone and they do not respond positively to the gospel. The example of Jesus should help us understand that getting a positive response is not our job.
The Lord called children “the greatest in the kingdom of heaven;” that is why both He and we love them. May we not only know the difference between childishness and childlikeness, but may we practice it.
We have no choice about making choices, every single day! The choices we make and how we make them will set the course for our life here, and for our life to come.
In giving His disciples the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus provides an example of how to faithfully and effectively speak to our Heavenly Father, with the assurance He knows and hears us.
Before giving His disciples the model prayer, Jesus provided four principles for prayer according to the will of God.
If we as God’s children are going to evangelize the world in which we live, we are going to have to come to our “senses.” What sense does it take to be an evangelist?
The Lord brought the world’s most famous sermon to a stirring conclusion by extending the invitation for His audience to respond. The right response provides a firm foundation for life and for life to come.